If You Like Pina Coladas…

On March 7th 2024, myself, my two sisters and their boyfriends, began our journey to Varadero, Cuba. 

It was my first time flying, as well as my two sisters’.  We had never been on vacation before aside from camping at local campgrounds as kids, and, as we got older, super fun long weekends away to visit home in Prince Edward Island (PEI) (shoutout to Anne of Green Gables my kindred, sassy, red headed QUEEEEEEN).  It is roughly a 4.5 to 5 hour drive from where we live now in Nova Scotia.

Let’s talk about travel and surviving hours in the airport with sensory issues. 

As someone with sensory issues, particularly to sound, the airport was extremely overwhelming but surprisingly easy to navigate (we flew with Sunwing so it was easy to find all the orange Sunwing signage and bright orange shirts worn by their representatives, 10/10 do recommend).  My absolute holy grail that got me through waiting in the long lines in the crowds at the airport were my AirPod Pros 2.  I had just gotten off the night shift at 0700h that morning, not sleeping at all, and the constant chatter of ~100 people around me was soooooo beyond overstimulating for my nervous system having just finished my work set with 0 recovery time.  At first, I remember looking at my credit card statement and wondering, “why did I think I needed these silly AirPods before my trip? To look cool?”.  HA.  I may not have made it to Cuba and back without these AirPods.  The way they fit, feel, and cancel noise with transparency mode technology essentially created the invisible buffer I needed between me and the chaos of the airport that allowed my nervous system to relax long enough to complete the journey.  I listened to a lot of chakra healing music, root chakra music, “letting go of fear”, “clearing negativity”, “releasing shame and guilt”, “vagus nerve stimulation”, “safe and grounded” type songs and changed that up a few times with my original playlist, including Matt Anderson, Taylor Swift, George Ezra, and some other new releases.  

The flight itself?  I mean, I wasn’t crazy about it.  Taking off is cool and so is landing.  I was lucky that my sister let me have the window seat, but it was dark and cloudy so I couldn’t even really physically see that I was in the air until like an hour into the flight.  That being said, it felt very surreal and I almost felt like I was in the matrix and didn’t actually fly.  Or that the whole thing was a simulation of some sort to convince me that I actually flew thousands of miles but really didn’t.  Can you tell I’m the daughter of a conspiracy theorist?  HAHA.  Luckily, my grasp on reality is strong enough that I know I actually flew….. BUT if at any point it comes out that flying isn’t real and it was all simulation …. You heard it here first LOL.  Welcome to my brain HAHA.

Landing in Cuba was cool.  It’s true what they say about the heat being “different”.  I don’t know why people don’t just say it’s better, because it 1000% is way better than the heat we have in the Summers here in Atlantic Canada.  Thirty degree heat without the gross humidity?  Hell yes, sign me up please.  I’ll take any and all of that forever until I die, thanks.  It’s a literal tropical paradise… Literally.  Unless you live there I guess (that’s a whole other blog post… Not today communism, not today).  In regards to climate and the landscape it is, for all intents and purposes, a tropical paradise.  I was born to bask and luxuriate in all it has to offer.  Serve me everything in a coconut, thanks.  

Anyway lol, the Varadero airport was definitely a learning curve for us having basically zero Spanish speaking skills (note to self: learn Spanish).  The airport workers seemed unhappy aside from the very overly happy and enthused baggage helpers who helped us get our luggage to the bus.  Gracias!  They are heavy af!  (Don’t forget to tip these guys like we almost did).

Nearly 12 hours of travel later, we finally arrived at our resort.  If I may make a suggestion, negotiate a private ride in a classic car or taxi to take you to your resort from the airport, otherwise you will be stuck on the bus for what feels like eternity while the bus stops at 1000 resorts before yours because of course your resort is the last (or second to last) one.  It is now 0130 on March 8th and you’re exhausted and cranky and hungry.  Now it’s time to wait in line at reception for an hour to get checked into your room… Take the private car, trust me. Just negotiate your price.  

Eventually, I finally got checked in and received my key to my room.  It was incredible.  King size bed, giant fluffy white pillows, a stand up shower AND a full bath with shower.  I never knew I would ever want a separate room for the toilet only, but that’s actually genius especially if you’re traveling with a partner.  Like, let me poop in private please, I will be forever grateful.  Even having my room to myself, it was awesome to just close the door after using the toilet without stinking up the whole bathroom.  EVERYBODY POOPS, EVEN HOT GIRLS.  Anyway, I told you, it’s genius.  Next time I travel I will definitely be purchasing and bringing a portable bidet.  I could write a whole blog on bidets and why everyone needs one but I’ll spare you… for now HAHA.  North America and their NATION-WIDE dirty asses need to WAKE THE F UP.  CLEAN Y’ASS YA FILTHY ANIMAL.

Although this is reading like a “travel blog” post, which it basically is that too, what I really wanted to write and share about was the unbelievably powerful spiritual experiences I had while in Cuba.  There is no real reason why this can’t be a travel blog AND like my usual spiritual magical esoteric stuff.. Because the truth is, it is not separate from my life and never will be.  So, to separate these two topics would be to go against who I really am and what feels right to me.  A professional editor might think otherwise, but this is my website, my blog, and I will do it my way unapologetically.  

Despite the obvious cultural differences, the most notable difference I found in the Cuban people was how healthy they were, physically, emotionally, but particularly spiritually.  I couldn’t tell you what is the most-practiced religion or belief system in Cuba.  I could probably Google it and find some sort of explanation.  I could have asked someone but I really, really wanted to have an authentic experience of my own interpretation of the Cuban spirit without someone in my ear telling me things are one way or the other.  I don’t know about you, maybe it’s a neurodivergent thing but I have this awful habit of seeking too many opinions about things and then letting it cloud over my own conclusion of things.  It’s great to seek information and opinions of others, it’s fun and as someone who loves sociology it makes me feel like a little social scientist doing research.  Just don’t forget to sit with yourself and generate your own opinions about things, and don’t be so quick to adopt others’ opinions as your own.  Your opinion ultimately matters the most.  Just because someone is rich, famous, successful, or has some sort of PhD doesn’t make them the leading expert on everything.  YOU are the leading expert on you and your own opinions.  Sure, be open to the opinions of others, be empathetic and open and understanding but never value someone else’s opinion more than your own.  This is self-devaluation.  It’s your life and you have to live true to you.  You owe that to yourself.  This is what God intended.  This is how we serve God.  Arguably, you have to value yourself more than you value others.  Eek, it feels uncomfy (LIB fans WHERE YAT?!) to say that, but this is survival.  You know that thing they (ironically) say on airplanes?  To put your own oxygen mask on before you start helping others with theirs?  Same principle.  You’re the main character, or at least you should be.  Something to keep in mind.  

Sigh, I love parentheses (and getting sidetracked lol). 

Without any actual information or knowledge on the beliefs of the people of Cuba, I am going to continue to write about my experience from my perspective.  This is an opinion piece, like all my writing, and is not law.  I do not claim to be right about anything, except for the fact that everyone needs a bidet because they do.

For me, spirituality is not exclusively, but largely about energy.  You could say I live beyond the 3D physical reality, AKA third dimension.  If you want to talk about semantics, you could say I live in the 4D or fourth dimension, meaning, in simplest terms, that I experience the world in a way that includes being able to witness and feel what would otherwise be considered invisible energy.  I see the unseen, I see energy and what it is doing, meaning I can see what people’s spirits are doing while I am witnessing what their physical body is doing.  Sometimes I can see their thoughts, I can see where they are experiencing “dis-ease” in their body, and sometimes I can even heal it.  Have I perfected these abilities and skills?  Absolutely not.  Would I consider myself an expert?  Hard no.  But have I had super real and undeniably miraculous experiences on the physical plane?  100%.  I am still honing in on these skills and extra-sensory abilities, and openly admit that I have been wrong many times about my perception of certain experiences.  But that is all relative, because I am the creator of my own reality.  My reality is imperfect, as I am imperfect, I accept and forgive myself for my mistakes and treat these as the learning experiences God intended them to be.  These important experiences propel me forward toward my full potential, my most actualized, highest self. 

The first thing I noticed about the Cuban people, at least the ones who worked at my resort, was they had this ability to be very fast and intentional about their energy.  In other words, they didn’t hesitate like I see a lot of people at home do, myself included.  When spirit interacts with spirit, human interacting with human, the spirit automatically gets to work to achieve balance and harmony between the two spirits.  This is something that happens automatically, meaning it does not require human consciousness to make happen.  It happens without intention, effort, and without the person having any spiritual or religious beliefs.  It is simply spirit/God/energy/source at work.  This is what it does and has done since the beginning of time.  That said, when you do become aware of these happenings, you realize you have the ability to consciously control what your spirit is doing and how it is doing it.  Now, and don’t take this lightly, believe me when I tell you this is a seriously slippery slope.  The reason is because we were NEVER meant to interfere with God and His work.  

Let me paint a picture for you.  A few years ago, before I awakened to energy/God/spirit/whatever you want to call it, I had no perception of subtle energy and evidently did not believe in God.  That doesn’t mean energy and God wasn’t all around me, because now I know it always was, but I wasn’t aware of it.  It was happening outside of my view of consciousness.  My subconscious was aware of it, and my spirit/energy was doing all kinds of things right under my nose without me realizing it, but my conscious awareness of these things happening was not there.  So you can imagine my surprise when one day, on April 2nd, 2021, after my Kundalini Awakening and realization to energy, how unbelievably shocking and world-shattering it was to just wake up to this awareness all of a sudden.  One minute I existed in my regular, comfortable 3D reality where I had existed for as long as I could remember, the next minute I was grieving the loss of that reality and trying to adjust to this new one.  To say I was shocked, surprised, startled would all be an understatement.  It was like being reborn but as a fully functioning adult person. This had completely rocked my world as I knew it.  (See my youtube video describing my Kundalini Awakening experience here: Accidentally Awakened Kundalini (youtube.com))  Now, having no former knowledge about Kundalini, it was my job to not only integrate this experience in a way that didn’t catapult me into some kind of serious mental health crisis, but also learn how to cope with this over-abundance of new information that was constantly coming into my awareness that was energy.  It was truly petrifying, and I did not know anyone who had experienced something like this.  I didn’t even know what it was called until I sat down the next few days doing research.  

To this day, I am still learning how to cope with and understand what energy is trying to tell me.  I have learned and integrated a lot but there is still tons I don’t know.  This is the mere tip of the gigantic iceberg known as, “What is the meaning of life?”.There always will be more I don’t know than that I do know, because I live here on the Earthly plane and am perfectly imperfect the way God intended me to be.  But the Cuban people?  They know some stuff.  They clearly know some stuff.  I suspect it has something to do with their healthier lifestyle and more frequent interaction with nature, but they are clearly very connected to spirit and they don’t hesitate or intervene when spirit goes to work.  They surrender to God and let Him work through them.  I had countless experiences on the resort, usually walking in the mornings on my way to breakfast or whatever, and I would pass by or interact with someone who works at the resort and we would exchange a smile and a happy “Hola, buenos diaz!”, and before I could even open my mouth to say Hola back, their spirit had already gotten to work on mine, clearing my aura and restoring energy where I needed it most.  It was SO fast and efficient it truly blew my mind.  They clearly had no reason to hesitate or pull their spirit back when it began to do what it was meant to do, because there was no need to question the intentions of spirit, because spirit always has the best intentions.  So they were able to just let go, and let it get to work, and we were both better because of it.

Something valuable I learned on this journey is that, spirit will not and cannot over-give.  It cannot be selfish or selfless, so it cannot under-give either.  Its intention is always to restore balance between spirits.  To explain further, I mean that if two people (spirits) encounter one another, and one has a need for balance around their ear chakras, the other spirit will be able to supply and send the first spirit the energy frequency they need to restore balance in that area resulting in ease for both parties.  However, if two people encounter one another, and both of them have an imbalance (or dis-ease) in their ear chakra, they will not be able to restore balance in each other’s energy because neither party possesses the energy needed to restore that balance.  A third person with balanced ear chakras would have to either be present physically or spiritually in order to restore this energy.  No one has perfect energy or perfectly cleansed auras or resonates at the perfect frequencies all the time.  When we go out into the world, our spirits and energy interact with our environment, other people, other spirits, etc. and this has an effect on our aura.  Life on the physical plane, the Earthly plane, naturally disrupts our energy and auras.  But it also restores our energy, because spirit only operates in matters of balance.  This is why it’s so important to go out into the world and be in community, to surround yourself with people who love and understand you, because they are also spirit embodied, and their presence will heal the parts of you you can’t heal on your own.  This is why people become ill so quickly when living in total isolation.  Without community, we cannot heal and grow.  We can only get so far on our own before we begin to deteriorate mentally, physically, and spiritually.  

Cuba Excursion #1, SeaFari to Cayo Blanco

After 2 hours of sleep, I boarded a quick bus ride to a marina near Varadero where we walked aboard the catamaran.  About 25-30 people were on the boat that featured two giant nets on the front for lounging, long benches on the deck covered by a roof, and a skeleton of a shark jaw that sat next to the boat captain.  Our guide reassured us that dangerous sharks do not inhabit the waters we were about to explore, they just thought it looked cool, and they were right.  After a maybe 30 minute boat ride, we approached another almost identical catamaran anchored in the middle of the ocean.  Tourists were scattered among the deck and in the water flapping around sporting snorkels and goggles.  We anchored beside them and everyone lined up to walk off the boat into the water.  I was so glad we brought our own snorkeling gear.  We slipped into the water and while there was no coral reef, there were tons of beautiful tropical fish.  You know, like bright blue ones that almost look like they’re fluorescent and make you wonder how it is possible for nature to create something that looks so unreal?  But there they were, right in front of me and my goggles.  It was so cool, and the fish were so friendly and unafraid as if this was their day job, to be here every day at the same time to show off their cool shapes and colours to silly little tourists like us.  Lots of people were reaching out to gently touch them.  Some big, some small, just like Dr. Seuss said in his masterpiece of a children’s book “Red Fish, Blue Fish.”  If you know, you know.  

Back aboard the boat.  Next stop, dolphins.  The dolphin reservation was probably both the highlight and lowlight of my trip.  I was already feeling very under the weather, hungover, had only slept 2 hours, and feeling really overwhelmed and overstimulated from being stuck on this super crowded boat with like 25 other people.  The second I heard a real life dolphin sound, and then looked over to see them breaching out of the water, my heart was a puddle.  I had no idea what was about to come next.  We were divided into 3 groups, first group paid an extra $50USD to swim and play with dolphins, and the rest of us were split into two groups who would take turns to get a roughly 30 minute interactive show by one of the dolphins and trainer where we got to get in the water with her, pet her, receive a kiss, and see her do her amazing tricks.  Her name was Quinn, the dolphin.  The other two groups went first, so my group was held back at the first pool behind the gate where there were two happy dolphins swimming around together and interacting with us.  I was completely enamored by the sounds they made and I could have stayed there all day, listening to them chirp, squeal and talk.  At first these two dolphins, whose names I unfortunately do not know as they were not part of the show, seemed to address us as a collective.  This made sense as all these dolphins were obviously captured and had not been free for I don’t know how long.  All day every day it was the same thing: swim around, be fed literal mountains of salmon, and interact with the endless amount of tourists who showed up day in and day out.  Repeat, for… Ever?

As I walked down the dock to the waiting area, everyone was interacting with the dolphins.  Talking to them, cheering for them, encouraging them, that kind of thing.  They did not take a special interest in me, they just loved the attention.  Until one of them swam by me and made her sounds, and instantly I knew they were just for me, because it was at that instant my aura was repaired in what felt like a split second.  Incredible, I thought.  It reminded me of the similar, but still different, experiences I had had with nature and birds back home where they sang songs to me, and within seconds my aura was repaired and cleared completely miraculously.  It brought tears to my eyes, and this dolphin did too.  It took a group of birds and a number of seconds to heal me, but this sweet dolphin achieved what they did alone in a fraction of the time.  Overjoyed and overwhelmed with gratitude, I made my way to the waiting area and draped myself over the safety rail to watch the dolphins swim.  I thought about how intelligent these creatures must be if they have this stunning ability to heal energy so quickly and efficiently.  It was the fastest I have ever witnessed this happen, by a long shot.  It was arguably faster and more powerful than, in my experience anyway, human energy.  I thought to myself, if they are this intelligent, communicating with them telepathically should be a breeze, and boy was I ever right.. 

When interacting with kids, animals, or young spirits, I use this theory or language called “Parentese”.  It’s not a legitimate language, I learned about it in a shorts video, but it basically is a word used to describe the high pitched, bubbly, overly positive voice people use to interact with babies.  Like baby talk but without the dumbing down of the English language (the way it should be…).  According to this video, using this type of language and high pitch with babies is extremely effective because it is so engaging for them.  Essentially, they will hyper focus on you and what you’re saying, enabling you to have a sustained, purposeful connection and experience with them.  I tried it, and it works.  Not only does it work on humans, but it works on animals and any young spirit.  I quickly learned it also works on dolphins.  Out loud, I started saying hi to the dolphins, complimenting them, telling them how beautiful they are, how much I loved them, how great they swim, how amazing they are, asking them how they are, etc.  This was when I first noticed they started to take a special interest in me, because I was the only one who continued to engage them in this way.  I usually don’t like to draw attention to myself in public, so once that connection was made I stopped talking to them out loud and attempted communicating telepathically with them.  Saying mostly the same things, allowing them to get to know me and recognize I had pure intentions and genuinely loved them.  Quickly they realized I was actually trying to create correspondence with them.  Some people communicated with them, but without awakening to telepathy obviously they aren’t waiting for the dolphins to have some kind of actual intellectual response beyond noises or movement, but I was, and the dolphins could tell.  They were definitely like “holy shit, this girl knows we can talk.” 

I started asking them questions and discovered one of them was a girl and one of them was a boy, but I did not get a chance to confirm this with the dolphin trainer.  I asked them their names and I could feel them trying to tell me but I couldn’t fully receive what they were trying to say.  Telepathy is finicky like that, it’s like an internet connection, sometimes it’s spotty and fuzzy and you just have to accept that and move on to try something else.  I have had this problem before with other spirits where I ask their name and the connection fails when they try to tell me.  I truly believe the reason for this is because I still struggle with the idea that telepathy is even real and that I am actually communicating with these spirits and the names they tell me are their real names.  Like, believe me when I tell you I KNOW this sounds totally absurd and crazy.  You don’t think I questioned my sanity for literal years once I realized I might have this ability?  I sure did.  I thought I was completely losing it.  I convinced myself I was crazy and sent myself into multiple crises over the insanity that is this.  Here’s the really fucked up thing.. I realized I always had this ability, I just wasn’t awake to it.  Meaning, it was there and it was happening but I wasn’t ready to acknowledge or accept the reality of it.  You know what that means.. That’s right, we all have this ability.  Just like we all have extra-sensory (psychic) abilities like clairvoyance, clairsentience, all of the “clair”s.  Let’s break down the word: Clairvoyance = Clear seeing.  Clair = clear, voyance = vision.  Clairsentience = clear feeling, meaning the ability to sense subtle energy and the feelings or emotions of others.  Where my empaths at?  Did you know you’re psychic?  Now you do.  Remember, everyone is different and we all have different strengths and weaknesses.  Just like you might have 20/20 vision and your friend may need glasses, but you are hard of hearing and she could hear a pin drop.  The same principle applies to the clairs.  It doesn’t mean you are lacking, it just means God intended for you to be stronger in this particular ability than the others for reasons you eventually will put together.  Just accept it.  Don’t question it.  Be grateful for the abilities you do have and expand on those.

Upon realizing I was engaging in actual telepathic correspondence with these dolphins, I knew I could not avoid asking the real questions any longer.  I noticed when I asked them, “how are you?”, they would simply respond, “Good,” the same way humans say they are “good” when they probably really aren’t doing that good and are just following the script of social programming.  I asked the dolphins, “Are you happy?” and all of a sudden there was the loudest silence between us.  Immediately, I knew.  I could feel my heart start to crumble.  But I knew I couldn’t just walk away and abandon this conversation, no matter how much it hurt to hear.  These sweet babies deserved to be heard.  They deserved this miraculous interaction between us that served to remind them that they DO matter, and that they deserve more than to just work and be a spectacle for tourists.  What they really deserve is to be free.  When I didn’t get an answer to my question about their happiness, I knew I had to inquire further.  “Are you treated well?”, I asked them.  Immediately they told me yes.  “Ok,” I said to myself, finally exhaling and picking my heart up off the floor, they are treated well and loved and they are ok.  They aren’t thriving like they would be in the wild, but they are relatively, physically ok.  I can accept this.  

When working with telepathy, it is so important to remember your absolutely CRITICAL role as the creator of reality.  Essentially, you are, in a way, in control as the creator of the correspondence.  You cannot force another spirit’s free will or force them to say what you want them to say, but when you open yourself up to receive their response, you are opening yourself up to receive what you have created in your mind.  By this I mean, if I had already created some sort of assumption that the dolphins were being treated badly, then when I asked my questions I would have been assuming and expecting to receive confirmation that this was true and they were in fact being treated badly.  This is how the law of assumption operates.  This is how powerful of a creator we all really are.  Whatever I assume, manifests.  If I open myself up ONLY to hear something negative and heartbreaking, then that is what will find me and that is what I will receive.  The opposite rings true too.  If I open myself up to receive something positive and reassuring, that is what will find me and what I will receive.  This is because infinite realities exist among different dimensions.  This means that yes, unfortunately there is a reality that exists where these dolphins are being treated poorly.  There exists infinite realities where every miniscule detail is slightly different from the reality preceding it.  As the creator of reality, it is within my power to choose which reality/storyline/dimension serves me and humanity best, and to live in that reality.  Important to note that, there need not be some conflicting dilemma between choosing what is best for me and what is best for humanity, because the truth is there is no actual difference between the two.  There is a reality that exists that supports the best for both me and humanity and that is always, always the best choice, because there is no real separation.  Separation is an illusion.  Universal oneness is absolutely a reality.  What is best for you, is also best for humanity, and vice versa.  If you find there is conflict between the two, this only means that the right path is yet to present itself to you, and it is critical that you do your job to keep the faith that in divine timing, it will. 

The truth is, I could write about my trip forever.  Since that’s unrealistic and I need to publish this on my website, I’ll cover one more topic before I wrap things up.

The last magical thing about Varadero I wanted to mention was the phenomenon, that I definitely cannot explain, where your negative thoughts would evaporate into thin air.  Now, this isn’t exclusive to Cuba or Cubans, I have encountered people before who are able to (consciously or unconsciously I don’t know) identify negative thoughts or negativity around the brain and cause it to disappear, but the way Cubans do it is a lot more powerful and consistent than back home.  Like, a lot.  I definitely had moments where I felt burned out, hungover, sick, etc. and spent time alone in my room isolating myself when I could have been out having fun, and the negative thoughts were there similar to the ones I would normally have back home.  But it was MUCH harder to arrive there than usual.  On resort, the lifestyle is designed in a way that keeps you moving, busy, and constantly around other people.  It’s essentially impossible to avoid people, so if that’s what you’re looking to do while on vacation I don’t think I would recommend a resort in Varadero.  Because you’re constantly surrounded by people, you’re constantly exposed to their energy and the people of Cuba seem to be masters at this phenomenon where they vanish your negative thought before you even get a chance to complete it.  I noticed multiple times where I would begin a negative thought, like a sentence inside my head, whether it be a minor complaint about something on the resort, or just something generally negative, and before I could envision the thought in its entirety, it was already vanishing.

I know this sounds insane, and I am not trying to suggest that there is mind control at play here because I absolutely do not think that’s what is happening.  But I do think when you travel to a new place where the vibration is naturally so much higher than the one you’re used to, these are the types of phenomenon that are just normal happenings.  It is completely miraculous to witness, but for Cubans and regulars at the resort it was completely normal.  It was almost as if the resort staff were trained to do this, but the longer I was there, the more I realized this is probably just the Cuban spirit, because how would you, in plain words, train people to do something like this so effectively?  I have no idea, but it was incredible.  

All this aside, I am not trying to insinuate that it’s like you are brainwashed while you are on the resort and it is impossible to have a negative thought.  It is absolutely possible.  The same universal laws apply there as they do back home.  If you are DEAD SET on having a negative thought, and a negative experience, that is absolutely what will happen.  If you ACTIVELY RESIST spirit trying to do its job to eliminate your negative thoughts, you can absolutely keep it and stay in a negative state of being.  There were definitely a few really cranky people on the resort.  They were very few and far between, but they were there and they stuck out like a sore thumb because how the HECK can you be so miserable when you are literally experiencing paradise right in front of you?  The staff on the resort handle these people perfectly.  They are extremely patient despite being disrespected and do what they can to make the client happy.  It was disheartening to see, but the pure love and joy of literally everyone else made up for it.  As soon as the cranky person walked away, all was well again and the vibe returned to normal.  

The takeaway?  YOU have to be open and willing to do what you can to create a positive experience.  The amazing thing about Cuba is that everyone there is good and ready to co-create an incredible and positive experience with you.  This is their literal job, to make your vacation dreams come true.  This is what you paid for.  This is what you worked your ass off to pay for and get PTO for.  They can only co-create with you to the highest level of what you are willing to create for yourself.  This obviously does not only apply to Cuba, but it’s an important life lesson that is applicable everywhere and to everyone in whatever phase of life they might be in.  After all, I would consider Cubans experts at creating extremely positive, happy, and rewarding experiences.  They will create miracles with you as long as you are open to receiving them.  They are kind, genuine, incredible people and I hope everyone gets to experience Cuba the same way I did.

A special thank you (in no particular order) to my butler Abel, grasshopper, the beach staff, Debrey, Sidelsy, Ivan, my favourite waitresses, my favourite bartenders, my gardener, all the sweet staff who gave us rides, the housekeepers who did an amazing job, the cooks, the bus drivers and tour guides, all the friends I made on the resort, my Russian friends, my many Ontario friends, my German friends, my Halifax and maritime friends, my Newfie friends, my flight friends, and the sweet Nova Scotian family who helped make sure we didn’t miss our bus to the airport, the hilarious Sunwing flight attendants who teased me relentlessly and let me meet the extremely friendly pilots in the cockpit, and the other sweet flight attendants who let me sit in the cabin so I didn’t pass out on the way home, my sister for planning basically our entire trip, my other sister for always looking out for me, their boyfriends for helping make sure we always had what we needed, my parents for helping us make this trip happen, the dolphins, pelicans, and fish, and dolphin trainer who loved Quinn so damn much, the cute little lizards who lived on the resort, the sweet dogs, the cats and people of Havana, the birds who sang for me every morning, the sand, the sun, the moon, the sky, the ocean, and the air, everyone who helped us at both airports, and all the beautiful souls of Cuba.

All my love and many blessings,



WHO tf is FREYA?!