21 Things I Learned in 2021

A macro image of a lit lightbulb hangs on a string of lights with a blue glow in the background.
  1. A healer is just someone with an intention to heal We are all healers.

  2. Writing is an underrated pathway to healing.

  3. Mirrors are portals, the bigger the better.  Mirrors are portals because your reflection is a portal, meaning it is a gateway or window into your soul.  This is because our perception, especially of ourselves, is very rarely based on reality.  Your reflection shows you a different reality (dimension) than the one you currently exist in.  By gazing at your reflection and learning to love who looks back at you, you can begin to unite the two realities to live more harmoniously by bridging, and eventually closing, the gap between your conscious (light) and unconscious (dark).

  4. Nothing is the same after your kundalini rises.  You have two options: master your qi (energy) or let it destroy you.  Zhan Zhuang will help you master your newfound over-abundance of energy.  Patience and trust are key. 

  5. Energy (qi, chi, prana) really is everything and it is our greatest teacher.

  6. The universe is on my side, but only if I believe it to be.

  7. Letting love in can change everything.  A life devoted to chasing perfection is an enormous waste of precious energy.  Imperfection is human, make peace with that. 

  8. Trauma lives in the body until it is released.  Embodiment practices are needed every single morning to maintain positive momentum

  9. Rest is safe.  Rest allows us to heal.

  10. Music heals.  Binaural beats and healing frequencies are extremely powerful and underrated methods of healing.

  11. Telepathy is real.

  12. When you fall in love, there will be fireworks.

  13. The birds will sing beautiful songs for you if you go into the forest with deep respect and gratitude to remove the litter from their homes. 

  14. With all beings, seek and celebrate your similarities for a more peaceful and happier life. 

  15. The universe is a mirror.  People are mirrors.  Be kind to your reflection.

  16. Don’t wait until the end of your life to love yourself.  Start today. 

  17. The sun is our most potent medicine.

  18. Words are spells.  It’s possible that, through our unconscious, we cast spells without realizing it.  Be careful what you wish for.. Choose your thoughts and words carefully.  

  19. Gossip is cancer to the soul.  Think twice, speak love, regret nothing. 

  20. Orange juice = liquid happiness.

  21. Energy doesn’t lie. 

  22. Bonus lesson: sexual energy = creative energy, meaning sexual energy can be transformed (transmuted) into powerful creative energy if you so desire.


WHO tf is FREYA?!


New Year, Same Me, Less Porn